Corporate Solutions
We offer tailored insurance plans for your group or business, from employee benefits to corporate coverage. comparison table guaranteeing the best solution for you.

What does it cover?
These include group medical, group life & disability, and group travel insurance, as well as, MPF. We also offer solutions for your business, such as: product or public liability or professional indemnity. Whatever your business needs are, our analysts will provide you with comprehensive comparison tables guaranteeing the best solution for you.
What We Offer:

Providing a sense of security to your employees with insurance-related compensation will help your company secure the best talent and motivate them to do their best work.

Business insurance solutions, such as public liability or business interruption, protect your business in a variety of worst-case-scenarios.
Employee Insurance
- Group Medical
- Group Life & Disability
- Group Travel
- MPF Scheme
Group Medical
Finding and holding on to quality talent is difficult. By offering your employees a group life insurance plan, you are providing your employees and their loved ones with financial security. This, in turn, will yield loyal employees that will efficiently benefit and grow your business.
Our group life insurance plans are fully customizable based on your company budget and employee needs. Our Technical Representatives will provide you with comprehensive comparison table with optional ‘add-on’ benefits, such as accidental top-up life, death and disablement, total disability, and crisis protection benefits.
Disability insurance guarantees the beneficiary’s earned income in an event where an employee is unable to perform his/her core functions of work.
It can, depending on your business needs and budget.
Group Life & Disability
Finding and holding on to quality talent is difficult. By offering your employees a group life insurance plan, you are providing your employees and their loved ones with financial security. This, in turn, will yield loyal employees that will efficiently benefit and grow your business.
Our group life insurance plans are fully customizable based on your company budget and employee needs. Our Technical Representatives will provide you with comprehensive comparison table with optional ‘add-on’ benefits, such as accidental top-up life, death and disablement, total disability, and crisis protection benefits.
Disability insurance guarantees the beneficiary’s earned income in an event where an employee is unable to perform his/her core functions of work.
Group Travel
Group Travel insurance is designed for schools, universities, corporations, NGOs, travel agencies, and more. As other plans we offer, the travel package is fully customizable based on your requirements.
Benefits of group travel insurance include:
- Medical Expenses
- Hospitalization
- Assistance & Medical Transportation
- Individual Accident
- Civil & Public Liability
- Baggage Insurance
- Trip Cancellation
- Legal Assistance
- Loss of phone, laptop, or computer
With group travel insurance, you are offered a special discount over a specific number of people.
Yes. You do, unless you are travelling to a country that has an Outbound Travel Alert.
Every insurance plan and insurer has its own limitations. However, here are some major exclusions you can expect:
– Car racing, horse-racing
– Sport competitions
– Personal aviation
– Pre-existing medical condition
– Self-inflicted injury
– Travel against the advice of a medical professional
– Pregnancy, miscarriage, and childbirth, etc.
Most travel plans don’t require deductibles; however, proof of delays or losses must be shown. Furthermore, each claimed item has a designated limit according to the insurance provider chosen.
MPF Scheme
Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) is an employee-based retirement protection scheme imposed by the Hong Kong SAR government. As a business owner and employer, you are required to select an MPF scheme and enroll your regular employees into it within 60 day of employment.
Choosing the right MPF scheme is an important step in securing your retirement. With so many options, it is a decision that can be daunting and confusing. Our dedicated advisors have extensive experience with wealth management and, specifically, with MPF. We can provide you and your business with easy-to-understand comparison table that highlight your investment fund options.
It is our job to make your life easy and we can do so by displaying your options in a comprehensive manner and providing you with follow-up service, so that you and your business employees are safe and secure.
Part-time and full-time employees between the ages of 18 and 65 years old residing in Hong Kong. Individuals outside of this age bracket are exempt.
Variety of Funds, charges, and degree of service. Based on our experience and your needs, our advisors are able
Business Insurance
- Professional Indemnity
- Business Package
- Employee Compensation
- Product Liability
- Public Liability
- Contractor's All Risk
- Business Interruption
Professional Indemnity
Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance is a policy, which provides coverage to business owners, freelancers, and the self-employed in the case of a negative claim from a client.
PI Insurance is a safety net that can protect your or your business’ reputation and finances. A single claim may have great litigation costs and be time consuming. With PI insurance, rest assured that you and/or your business are secure.
This insurance is suitable for the following professions:
– Accountants and secretaries– Architects and Engineers
– Consultants of all Fields
– Directors (Listed Company)
– Lawyers
– Therapists, Counsellors, & Nutritionists
– Professional Liability for
– Actual and alleged breach of duty
– Negligence
– Misleading Statements
– Breach of Confidentiality
– Defamation
– Defense Costs
– Dishonesty or Fraud of Employees
– Intellectual Property Rights Infringement
– Loss or Distortion of Documents
Business Package Insurance
Business Package insurance covered all the contents within your office i.e. excluding walls, ceilings, and floors. This is an ‘all-risks’ insurance, meaning that all the contents in your work-space, which will vary depending on your type of business, will be covered unless the policy specifically excludes it.
If your work-space is one of the following, you would benefit from purchasing a Business Property Insurance policy:
– Office
– Shop
– Restaurant
– Office
– Co-working space
This insurance is special in that the details of your coverage it is tailor-made according to your business-type and business needs. In general, you can expect the following:
– Equipment or Machinery
– Trade Samples and or Stock
– Portable Equipment
– Computer and Technology
– Deeds & Documents
– Fixtures & Fittings
– Personal Effects
You may also choose to add a variety of optional add-ons for additional protection.
Employee Compensation
Employees Compensation (EC) Insurance provides coverage for employees who develop an illness or get injured as a result of work-related activities. EC insurance is deemed mandatory by Hong Kong’s Labor Department.
According to the Hong Kong Employee’s Compensation Ordinance, all employers must carry EC insurance. This policy protects, both, the employer and the employee in the case of an accident that is related to work.
For example, if a factory worker gets injured on an assembly line, the EC policy would cover the liability including medical costs and time off, if necessary. Costs involved with such accidents could be massive and detrimental to your business. The EC policy will reduce the risk of injury to your employees.
All employers are required by law to purchase EC insurance for their employees. This includes part-time and full-time workers. There are no exceptions for workers of any kind.
Product Liability
In a society where consumers are increasingly looking to file lawsuits and blame producers of products, public liability insurance is of growing importance.
Product Liability insurance provides protection to you and your business in a case where you are found liable for bodily injury or damages incurred as a result of a product that you sold, manufactured, or distributed.
This insurance policy is for you if you are in:
– Manufacturing
– Distribution
– Wholesale
– Retail
– Food
– Power & Energy
– Transportation & Logistics
Public Liability
Public Liability insurance protect you in a case where your business is sued as a result of alleged negligence, which has caused a 3rd party bodily injury, death, or property damage. This insurance is imperative for businesses that operate in a public domain.
If your business space is public, is frequented often by members of the public, or if your service is being provided in a client’s space, this insurance is just right for you.
For example, if somebody slips and falls in your space, sat on a chair that collapsed on them, or if you were installing a fixture in a client’s home that caused damage; public liability insurance would cover.
If you or one of your employees is harmed, public liability wouldn’t provide coverage to you because you are not a 3rd party.
Contractor's All Risk
Contractor’s All Risk Insurance provides comprehensive protection to minimize risks involved with home/shop renovation or Construction Project. Specifically, it provides coverage in the event of accidental damage or loss of property, as well as, liabilities to third parties.
If your work-space is one of the following, you would benefit from purchasing a Business Property Insurance policy:
– Office
– Shop
– Restaurant
– Office
– Co-working space
This insurance is special in that the details of your coverage it is tailor-made according to your business-type and business needs. In general, you can expect the following:
– Equipment or Machinery
– Trade Samples and or Stock
– Portable Equipment
– Computer and Technology
– Deeds & Documents
– Fixtures & Fittings
– Personal Effects
You may also choose to add a variety of optional add-ons for additional protection.
Business Interruption
Business Interruption Insurance provides coverage in a case where your business is forced to close due to damage to property as a result of a fire or natural disaster, for example. This insurance would cover any cost of temporary or permanent relocation, as well as, any loss on income in the interim of forced business closure.
You may not if you already have business package insurance. Your policy might already have this as an added benefit.